Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Living in God’s Presence

Most of us live life at a dizzying speed that makes it increasingly difficult to experience the genuine peace that God intends. Often we forfeit His wisdom and direction because we’re too distracted to slow our pace long enough to hear from Him.

We mistakenly believe that certain things don’t require God’s intervention. But this creates the problem of fragmentation. When we compartmentalize the sacred and the secular aspects of life, we often fail to understand that God wants us to be complete–wholly surrendered to Him and totally empowered by His Spirit in every area of life.

READ: Ps. 16:1-11; Ps. 73:1-28; Ps. 119:97-114; Isa. 43:1- 2; Jer. 23:23-241; John 2:5-6,28-29.
HEART ISSUE: We cannot be fully effective for the Lord if our lives aren’t totally under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Turn aside now and surrender every area to Him.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, we acknowledge Your presence within us and Your lordship over every task and endeavor. Make us more sensitive to the wooing of the Spirit than ever before. Throughout our day, may we turn our hearts toward You. Compel us to a place of greater surrender, and enable us to walk with You in closer fellowship. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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