Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Heart’s Deepest Desires

Think of how God has given you a unique sensitivity to life and its daily blessings. Your perspective and the compassionate feelings of your feminine heart are not accidents, but gifts from your Heavenly Father.

READ: Mark 5:21-42; Prov. 4:23 (NIV); Ps. 37:4; Ps. 139:13-14; Is. 61:1; Eph. 2:4-10; Eph. 3:20.
HEART ISSUE: Take some time today to dwell on and be thankful for how God has wonderfully made you. With gratitude, embrace your zest for life and your feminine sensitivities that make you unique.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, help me to accept myself as fearfully and wonderfully made by You. Let me not limit myself, but enable me to welcome Your limitless blessings. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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