Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

My husband and I built our relationship on God’s love and understanding; however, I always had a struggle with the concept of oneness. Satan was out to destroy both our marriage and our connection to God.

During our 19th year of marriage, Satan came in at full force, causing chaos and devastation. Blindly, I thought that having the attention of a man other than my husband would enhance my life. An affair nearly destroyed our lives, as well as our daughter’s. Through God’s grace and others’ prayers, the veil of deception was removed. By the means of a vision, I was made aware of the enemy’s hand at work in our relationship.

In this vision, I was standing in the center of a room and a current of energy flowed out from within me to those nearby. When the current ran uninterrupted, everything was in harmony. But broken connections brought sorrow to everyone.

I acknowledged my sin, and I begged God to forgive me, take control of my life and restore my marriage, family and friendships. Through it all, God was merciful and caring. He touched my husband’s heart and gave him the strength to stay by my side.

During this time, the Lord spoke to me in a church service. As our pastor prayed for married couples, He reminded me of the beauty and sanctity of marriage. I understood the joy that God feels upon seeing a husband and wife united in love, and I listened as He told me again that a marriage without Christ at the center would fail.

God is faithful, restoring relationships and lives. Divorce is not the only option when things go wrong, and love seems at an end. God heals and enlightens those who truly seek His face, bringing the clarity of mind to see the way through and the way out.

If God did this for my husband and me, He can do this for everyone. We have recently renewed our vows and celebrated the restoration of our marriage. My love for my husband continues to grow stronger as we both allow God to be the center of our lives.

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