Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

We like to quote so often the phrase, “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (see Luke 1). If God did not have to work through men, His power on earth would be unlimited. However, even though nothing is impossible with God and He does all things well, the stark reality is that we as Christians do not allow Him to do the impossible in our lives because of our lack of faith.

The story comes to mind when the disciples came to Jesus for help in casting a deaf and dumb spirit out of a little boy. Jesus told them they were unable to do this because of their lack of faith. Then He said, “O faithless generation.” Nothing is impossible with God when we put our complete faith and trust in Him.

Mary in this passage is a prime example of complete faith and trust. The angel told her, “Fear not.” As we studied yesterday, fear has to be dealt with or we will lose our effectiveness in overcoming the devil. Mary had no fear. Then when Mary heard all that would be done to her in the conception of Jesus Christ, she had faith. She said simply, “Be it unto me according to Your word.” Now the way was paved for God to do the impossible. Nothing is impossible when we overcome fear through faith and trust in God.

We hear of report after report of miracles happening in countries like Africa and Indonesia, yet we seem to have a famine in the United States of miracles. Why? We as Christians in America often do not display the simple childlike faith that people in other countries do.

What has choked out our faith? I believe it is the materialism and the instant gratification syndrome that have overtaken many of us. We are not willing to spend time in prayer and the Word to build our faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Often in these small villages in other lands where there is no TV, no Walmart, we see mighty miracles. The people in these villages are not distracted from what is most important-doing the will of God and believing Him when they pray. Jesus said that unless a man became like a little child, he could not enter the kingdom of heaven. A small baby is completely dependent upon his parents for every need, and he trusts his parents to meet them. Is this where God wants every Christian? If we could strip ourselves of all the materialism and business in our lives, perhaps we could become as a little child-totally dependent upon God for everything and ever hanging on His Word.

Nothing is impossible with God when we trust in His Word and fear not.

Lord, I earnestly pray, be it done unto me today according to Your Word. Place within me the faith of a little child, and give me the courage to step out in faith. Faith was the substance Peter walked on when he was coming toward You on the sea. Help me to walk in faith today.

READ: Numbers 21:1-22:20; Luke 1:26-56; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 11:9-11

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