Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Untapped Power of Righteousness in Christ

woman writing Bible

When we focus our hearts on righteousness, we leave little room for the works of iniquity to be found in our lives. Righteousness is a spiritual force that if yielded to will cause our motivations, thoughts and intentions to be pure, just as Jesus is pure.

Our personal righteousness in Christ is a powerful weapon, and yet so often we reduce its inherent power and authority. But righteousness is who we are in conjunction with what we are empowered to do through the grace of God.

God has given us a flawless standard, seen only in the face of Jesus Christ. When we see Jesus, we see the sum total of perfect righteousness, the same measure that is offered to all those who receive His provision.

I believe the primary reason most Christians struggle with an overwhelming degree of sin consciousness is because they have not had a revelation of what it means to live righteous consciously. This lack of revelation leaves us insecure, wondering whether or not God really accepts us.

The work of redemption is unquestioned in the heavens among principalities and powers, yet it is doubted among the children of men. What we have practiced–condemnation–has become permanent.

Practicing condemnation, on ourselves or on others, gives a permanent foothold to this spiritually debilitating force. Left untreated, condemnation destroys our confidence in God and breeds insecurity in our identity as His children.

Redemption is an eternal event. When we accepted Christ, we accepted freedom from sin consciousness.

When you begin to live in the reality of who you were made to be in Christ Jesus, hell itself cannot stop you. When you fully awaken to righteousness, temptation cannot destroy you, personal failure cannot abort your purpose and condemnation can no longer hold you captive.

Your identity as a child of the Highest authorizes you to live in this world, even as He lived in this world. You are anointed to rule over the powers of darkness and to minister life to those around you.

What Christ accomplished on the cross was absolute and unconditional deliverance for all who believe and receive. Because of Jesus, we do not have to labor under the oppressive taskmaster of sin consciousness.

Open your eyes to the wonder of who you are! As you live and move and have your being in Christ, you are forever secure in your position as sons and daughters of righteousness.

Terry Crist is the author of The Image Maker (Charisma House), from which this article is adapted.

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