Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

3 Steps to Winning the Battle in the Mind

Kathy Gray

The time we live in is unlike any the world has ever known. I call it the “age of terror” because in this season fear has launched a massive assault on mankind. New dangers and diseases are looming on the horizon. There are major wars being fought abroad, and even on the home front, civilians feel unsafe as they go about their daily business.

But the outward threats are nothing compared to the inner turmoil with which many struggle. Warfare in both the natural and the spiritual realms is taking place on a scale the church has never experienced. Will we be overcomers, or will we be overcome?

The actual battleground is not a geographic location—it’s in our minds that the fiercest battles take place. Hebrews 12:3 encourages us to consider the opposition Jesus endured from sinful men so that we do not become “wearied and faint in [our] minds” (KJV).

God is preparing you to win the battle of the mind. He doesn’t want you to grow weary and lose heart.

If you lose this battle, you will be easy prey to any form of terror. But if you consider Jesus and put His Word first in your life, you will discover scriptural keys that will make you victorious in this hour.

I see the victors in this battle crossing over a new threshold into a greater dimension of God’s glory and power. They will experience the church’s finest hour of spiritual authority and massive harvest. It’s important for us to win!

Double Weariness
The enemy’s plan in this age of terror is to cause severe mental exhaustion. “Wearied and faint” are two words for the same condition, but the author’s juxtaposing them in the same sentence indicates an intensity that I call “double weariness.” It produces discouragement, anxiety and depression in God’s people.

Those who are mentally weary may become incapable and useless. An exhausted mind can’t make a decision, communicate or help anyone else. You can be so mentally tired that you become physically sick.

The tactic of the enemy is to bombard your mind until you are so exhausted spiritually that you lose your grip. Then you will relinquish all the spiritual territory you have gained.

The primary weapon used against your mind in this age of terror is voices. Voices will bombard you till you give in to them. Once they get a foothold, your mind will become doubly weary. Soon, you will fall prey to a weakened mind.

Voices of the world around you are speaking constantly to anyone who will listen. Thousands of voices shout at you every day through the news media.

Other distracting voices include those of friends and family members who don’t understand your commitment to Jesus and who want to persuade you to take a compromised stand.

Then there are the voices in the spirit realm. Using the most outrageous statements, they can badger your mind until mental exhaustion begins.

All these voices—from the natural and the spiritual realms–are potentially harmful. But the most powerful weapon I have ever had to fight against has been the voice of me!

Have you ever noticed how often you talk to yourself? I took stock of this one day and was surprised at all the self-talk. Not only did I think a lot of thoughts that can bring on mental fatigue, I also spoke a lot of negative things out loud. No one else was around, so I had no excuse. I had to admit I was talking to me.

Many years ago, when I was growing in the ministry, I would sometimes be bombarded by voices. Usually they spoke words to disqualify me: “You’re only a woman. You can’t preach. Who do you think you are, trying to minister to people?” I gained a real victory when I realized those voices were neither the devil nor men telling me I could not minister. They were me, speaking to me!

Don’t Just Cope—Conquer!
It is time to stop simply coping with the voices that create mental weariness and battle fatigue. God is calling us to conquer in the battle for our minds. We need to heed Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (NKJV).

Have you ever renovated an old house? You don’t just put a fresh coat of paint on the walls, install new light fixtures and lay new carpet.

Often you have to gut the entire thing, sometimes tearing down old walls and peeling off hundreds of layers of wallpaper. Then you can tackle the more fun tasks of choosing a color scheme and new appliances.

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