Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Steve, my husband, said, “Honey, remind me after church to go by the new pharmacy and pick up my prescription before we go to lunch. It won’t take long since they have that drive-through addition.”

Later when we stopped at the window, a pharmacy associate slid it open and leaned toward us. Little 18-month-old Jamie called out from the back seat, “Fries and shake!”
Kathryn Hillin

Some years ago, my daughter and son-in-law lived in Saudi Arabia with their two small children. When they first arrived in the country, my daughter, Carleen, was awe-struck. She kept pointing out the sights to the children.

Carleen repeatedly said to them, “Oh, look at the Bedouins!” “Look at the Bedouins!”

After one, “Look at the Bedouins,” Clint, my 3-year-old grandson, bewildered, looked up at his mother and asked, “Mommy, aren’t there any good-o-wins?”
Waneen Tulloch

As the new editor of our women’s fellowship newsletter, I was excited to serve and eager to do my best. In one issue, I needed to publicize the fact that our hospitality committee would be selling table centerpieces to raise funds to update some of their supplies.

Usually for social functions, the committee covered our tables with white lace tablecloths. Now they wanted to purchase colorful fabric, which would be placed underneath the white lace.

To make everyone aware of the fundraiser, I submitted the following notice for the newsletter: “In order to spruce up the look of our meetings, the hospitality committee will be purchasing new red underclothes.”

Thankfully, a friend caught my error before it went to press!
Gayle Urban

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