Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Back in the 1950s I traveled with a choir from our Bible school to several pioneer churches in northern Alberta, Canada. At one small church, after a warm reception, we stood on the platform to sing our opening number.

We young folk gave it all the enthusiasm we could muster as we began singing, “All hail the power of Jesus’ name.” But when we got to the line, “Let angels prostrate fall,” suddenly the back of the platform fell in, and all the boys in the back row disappeared. We girls were left teetering on the ledge.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. But it was some time before order and dignity were restored to the service.
Hazel Grace Thompson

Some years ago I had a great dentist who probably missed his calling and should have been a comedian. His humor nearly alleviated the need for “laughing gas.”

One afternoon I was in his office and asked him about a recent news story I’d heard regarding his church. The church leaders had decided to hold Easter services under a large tent in the parking lot while their building was being renovated.

On Sunday morning the choir took to the risers, only to have them collapse underneath them as they offered the morning hymn. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but my dentist found the whole thing rather amusing.

I asked him why. “Do you know what they were singing when the risers fell?” he asked. “How Firm a Foundation.”

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