Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

When I was 37, I began experiencing symptoms of menopause. But it
wasn’t until I turned 43 that I found a doctor who would take me seriously. By then, I was beginning to think I was crazy.

Once my doctor prescribed hormone replacement therapy for me, the symptoms disappeared, and I was able to enjoy a normal life again. Unfortunately, a few years later this doctor closed her practice, and the next physician I saw treated me as though I were exaggerating and changed my medication. This threw me into a tailspin.

At times I felt suicidal, a sentiment which is not in keeping with my personality at all. I could not muster the desire or the energy to do daily tasks.

My ability to concentrate declined rapidly. I felt I would never be able to function at a productive level again.

Several friends were praying regularly for me. One day, the Lord revealed to me that this “sickness” was a consequence of Adam and Eve’s fall in the garden and that He had redeemed me through Jesus’ death. So I began praying in accordance with what He said.

In March, our area hosted a spiritual warfare conference, and I knew the Lord wanted me to attend. I became excited about going because I knew it was to be a divine appointment.

Whether I would receive revelation through the teaching, the worship or a specific word of knowledge, I couldn’t guess. But I knew God was going to meet me there in a special way.

The conference was excellent. But as we approached the last session, I knew God had more for me.

After the worship, the speaker delivered a prophetic word over the whole group. He said, “And God is healing internal organs.” I said, “Yes, Lord! That’s for me!”

The next week I had energy to spare. I was able to concentrate and get everything caught up that I had let go for the previous nine months. Praise God! He healed me!

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