Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our new baby girl was healthy and beautiful, but her birth
had been somewhat traumatic for me. After she was born I began

The nurses attending me were frantically trying to help me
because my blood pressure had dropped terribly low. I can remember
hearing them repeatedly saying, “We’re losing her.”

As I recall there were three nurses in the room during
this ordeal. However, my husband has assured me there were only two.

The subsequent blood loss left me very weak. But during
the night, when I looked up, I saw a slender brunet nurse, dressed in
white. She was extremely kind to me.

In fact, when she came to visit me after midnight, she
fluffed my pillows, covered me with blankets, changed my dressing and
gave me a cold drink. I wanted to remember her because she had so gently
taken care of me. When I asked her name, she smiled and answered,

I was hoping that she would return the next night, but
when I asked if she worked on the maternity floor often, she softly
replied, “no,” and smiled at me once again. “I usually work in
pediatrics,” she said.

When morning came a new nurse arrived to check my vital
signs. Her gruff manner made me wish that Kathy were still on duty.

I asked my new caregiver about the previous nurse. She
looked at me peculiarly and stated that she didn’t know any Kathy. “She
worked the late shift last night,” I explained.

The nurse gave me another strange look and told me that no
one by the name of Kathy worked last night. Oh well, I thought, she is
just having a bad day.

For the rest of my hospital stay I asked each attendant on
every shift about Kathy. I even began asking the lab technicians and
anyone who came into my room. I described her and explained how she
usually works in the pediatric ward; no one knew her.

The Scripture says, “For He will give His angels charge
concerning you” (Ps. 91:11, NASB). When I recall Kathy’s care for me
throughout a very difficult night, I’m certain that God’s promise became

I didn’t see Kathy again, and no one at the hospital
seemed to have any knowledge of her. But she will remain vivid in my
memory forever.

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