Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale

The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale
The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale
By J. Lee Grady, Chosen, softcover, 224 pages, $14.99.

Longtime readers of Charisma will recognize some
of the past stories and material from J. Lee Grady’s “Fire in my Bones”
columns that appear in his latest book. Echoing calls already made in
this magazine, he urges charismatics to develop discernment and turn
away from heresies that have given the movement a bad name. Whether
taking prosperity theology to extremes, engaging in adultery or
demanding huge honorariums, many leaders have disgraced Christ’s name.
It isn’t just these charlatans—some of whom he names—that Grady
rebukes; it’s those with “itching ears” who give them platforms. He
also offers guidance with succinct teachings on such topics as
protecting oneself from imposters, recovering moral character and
reclaiming relational Christianity. Readers will draw inspiration from
his first-person accounts of witnessing in the inner city and observing
humble servants helping the desperately poor in Mumbai and other Third
World outposts. In some corners of the church Grady won’t be too
popular for urging that we embrace God’s ways instead of popular,
man-centered methods. But then, neither was Jeremiah.
—Ken Walker



An Eyewitness Remembers the Century of the Holy Spirit
An Eyewitness Remembers the Century of the Holy Spirit
By Vinson Synan, Chosen, hardcover, 208 pages, $17.99.

Author and historian Vinson Synan always produces
interesting and informative materials for understanding the modern-day
church. He takes a more personal approach in this book, adding
observations and reactions to these events, making the material come
alive. Anyone who has been involved in the Pentecostal-charismatic
movement in the last century will feel as if they must have crossed
paths with Synan at some point. Faithful to cover the wide spectrum and
diversity of this century, he covers events leading up to Azusa Street
and the birth of modern-day Pentecostalism; the Latter Rain and Healing
Revivals; charismatic mainline denominations, both Protestant and
Catholic; the controversies surrounding the prosperity gospel; racial
reconciliation; and the more recent revivals of the 1990s and the new
millennium. Synan summarizes brilliantly so the reader understands
where the church has been and sets the stage for understanding its
—Deborah L. Delk



Should We Fire God?
Should We Fire God?
By Jim Pace, FaithWords, hardcover, 272 pages, $19.99.

Pastor Jim Pace sat in a coffee shop
just a few blocks from the Virginia Tech campus in 2007 when a gunman
went on a shooting rampage and killed 32 people. In the following weeks
and months, he and many others would ask the same questions: Where was
God and why did He allow this to happen? They are questions often
pondered when people see the evil and horror that seem to run unchecked
around the world. In his new book, Should We Fire God? Finding Hope in God When We Don’t Understand, Pace
examines the question that if God is so loving and good, why doesn’t He
stop these things? He digs deeper and examines the possible reasons for
God’s seeming inaction. Giving solid biblical answers and real-life
examples that help reveal God’s responses in times of turmoil and
distress, Pace explains why God should most definitely never hear the
words: “You’re fired!”

Jeff Friend



Green Like God
Green Like God
By Jonathan Merritt, FaithWords, hardcover, 192 pages, $16.99.

The founder of the Southern Baptist
Environment and Climate Initiative is on a mission to depolarize and
depoliticize environmentalism. Instead of wrangling over left-right
issues, Jonathan Merritt approaches the topic from a theological
perspective, exploring Scriptures that demonstrate God’s concern for
His creation. He will make some squirm with his adept observations of
how America’s materialistic lifestyle is a leading
of environmental damage. Writing in an approachable, persuasive style,
he also argues that Christians are captive to faulty biblical
interpretations. Among the errors he cites are turning the Genesis
“dominion” mandate into an exercise in human-centric behavior, and
using end-times theology as an excuse to shrug off Earth stewardship.
Merritt has a sense of humor, too, exploring how trendy
environmentalism often stems from a self-centered, boasting frame of
mind. Christians should wince over his retelling of the vitriolic
attacks he faced from fellow believers when he raised the idea of
caring for the environment. The fact that Merritt bases his approach on
Scripture should lay to rest the idea that only liberal tree-huggers
can be active in this arena.

Ken Walker




The Day That Changed Forever
The Day That Changed Forever
By Tim Roehl, Regal, softcover, 224 pages, $14.99.

The day Jesus was crucified undoubtedly was the most
important day in history, and mankind was forever impacted. But Jim
Roehl focuses on the mark that day left on specific people who became
witnesses and participants as events unfolded. Roehl considers the
possible thoughts of Pontius Pilate, the centurion, Barabbas, Annas,
Peter and several others. Whether a minor character or a main figure,
each had a different but revealing perspective that combined to give
unique insights into the significance of Jesus’ death. Roehl also
discusses the words Jesus spoke from the cross and
how they have changed lives from that day to the present. Although each
chapter highlights a particular individual or phrase, the overall focus
throughout the book never strays from the most important character who
is at the center of each of the life-changing experiences: Jesus Christ.

—Jeff Friend




For Those Who Wait
For Those Who Wait
By Fireflight, Flicker Records.

Fireflight’s third album, For Those Who Wait,
continues to offer their signature rocking, lyrically compelling songs.
Lead singer Dawn Michele says this album was influenced by personal
stories: “It’s our lives, our hearts and our pain just poured out.” The
title track is a rousing reminder that in those times when God might
seem distant there is a purpose. “Desperate” is an emotional cry to God
for help. It’s a refreshing admission for those tired of cliché answers
and empty promises that things will be OK, yet it’s also a song of
faith that God is our hope and we can trust Him despite how things
seem. Michele flawlessly delivers the rousing rock songs with passion,
while her vocal diversity is highlighted on the ballads “Recovery
Begins” and the tender and soft “Name,” which will capture audiences’
hearts with the chorus: “He sees you / He’s near you / He knows your
face / He knows your pain / He sees you / And He loves you / He knows
your name.” Fireflight’s transparency will assure listeners that they
are not alone and will encourage them to keep trusting and waiting. For Those Who Wait is an album of personal music that is sure to appeal to believers and unbelievers alike.

—Leigh DeVore



The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule
By Above the Golden State, Sparrow Records.

Above the Golden State’s sophomore release, The Golden Rule,
is a collection of songs by the pop-rock band that explores the
fundamental truths of Christianity. “The Golden Rule, to love God and
your neighbor as yourself, is a commandment we’ve all been given,”
frontman Michael Watson says. “We want to encourage the church to
return to that fundamental truth. We are constantly pursuing God
upward, serving God within our community and going into the world to
share His message.” The title track and its catchy melody remind
listeners of this principle. Many will be encouraged with “I Am Loved,”
which declares that even when it doesn’t seem like it, God is with us.
This album also addresses the hard realities of life. “Tragedy” reminds
us that in the midst of loss and heartache we can find our strength and
hope in Jesus. Although this CD has a short song list, the music and
truth-packed lyrics are better than some albums twice as long.
Listeners will focus again on what Christianity is truly about, and
they will be encouraged to put their faith into action.

—Leigh DeVore



By Deluge, Integrity Music.

Deluge’s sophomore release, Unshakable,
was inspired by a season of profound joy and loss. Jonathan Stockstill,
frontman and worship pastor at Bethany World Prayer Center, had his
first child. Yet within months his young sister-in-law died from
cancer, while his brother, youth pastor Joel, continued to fight a
lifelong battle with kidney disease. “The songs speak of where we’ve
been and how we’re pressing through,” Jonathan Stockstill says. The
title track especially connects with the church, he says. Deluge rocks
out this request for God to solidify our faith. “Power” declares our
need for Him to help us live like Jesus and move in the supernatural.
“Refuge” is a statement of faith that when we experience trials, God
won’t allow us to be overtaken. “Come Into My Courts” was inspired by a
divine vision Joel had when his wife, Amy, died: “Come in My courts /
Won’t you run to Me? / Won’t you come to Me?” Album highlight “Let’s
Worship,” with guest vocalist Kari Jobe, will lead listeners to reflect
on Christ and who He is in their lives. Unshakable rejoices in
the power, safety and strength we have in God. And believers in all
seasons of life will be encouraged as they worship with the band.
—Leigh DeVore





Yesterday’s Promise
Yesterday’s Promise
By Vanessa Miller, Whitaker House, softcover, 400 pages, $9.99.

Melinda Johnson always felt called to
the ministry and naturally thought she would replace her father as
pastor when he retired. But instead he appoints Steven Marks, who is
against female pastors and is Melinda’s ex-fiancé. She is
discouraged but continues to work at the church. Eventually their
working together reignites feelings. Can they set aside their
differences and love again?




Wildflowers of Terezin
Wildflowers of Terezin
By Robert Elmer, Abingdon Press, softcover, 352 pages, $13.99.

When Steffen Petersen helps young
Jewish nurse Hanne Abrahamsen rescue Denmark’s Jews from a Nazi prison
camp, the pastor discovers the meaning of true faith. As his conviction
strengthens and his affection for Hanne grows, he becomes more directly
involved, never anticipating the danger or the cost.





Disaster Status
Disaster Status
By Candace Calvert, Tyndale, softcover, 352 pages, $12.99.

A rush of ER patients with
life-threatening symptoms brings charge nurse Erin Quinn to work on her
day off. The staff soon realizes this is a mass poisoning. When the
media learns of the possible health hazard, the fire department helps
bring order. Instantly, Erin and fire chief Scott McKenna feel a
connection. But will they let their troubled pasts keep them apart?






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