Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Where there is no vision, the people perish. —Proverbs 29:18

The Book of Revelation is the most wonderful of all in the Bible. Christ appeared to John in person and gave him one vision after another. He showed him the heavenly city, the great city of gold with its jasper walls. John was told about the climate, the inhabitants, the size, and all that happened there. He had visions of the great judgment day, of the lake of fire and brimstone, and all the lost that were swept into it. The Lord told John to write all that he saw and heard, and to show it to the churches.

The prophet said that the time would come when, if anyone had a vision, they would be ashamed to tell it. That time is here. The masses of church leaders look upon everything supernatural as a disgrace and cry out, “Hypnotism, excitement, emotionalism, and drunkenness.” Just like the religious Jews of Jesus’ day, they are filled with a dead form of religion.

The churches are filled with unconverted people. Where there are no visions, the people perish. If there is not power enough for visions, there is not enough to save a soul.

Lord, help the church see the
visions You give. Amen.

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