Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine. —Song of Solomon 6:3

The King of glory will be married to His bride. Don’t you know that every good thing the world enjoys, God is going to let us enjoy ten-thousand-fold? There will be the greatest banquet, the most wonderful occasion ever heard of, when we shall eat bread and drink wine in the kingdom. The bride is now in training. The Holy Ghost is the dove. The singing is the cooing of the dove before the storm.

Did you ever hear the doves before the storm, call to their mates to seek shelter? So the Holy Ghost is cooing and chirping, calling us to seek shelter from the tribulation storms that are coming upon the earth. The Lord has us in training, making our bodies light and supple so that we can go up.

May the Lord help us to be filled with the Holy Ghost so that we can rise. It is the only moving power in the church of Christ, His mighty agent. He wants us to carry on His business through His body. Let us get the fire from heaven that will enable us to do business for God, and be careful that we do not attribute the power of God to the devil, lest we commit the unpardonable sin.

Jesus, You are my beloved, my first love, and I
eagerly await the time when You
come for Your bride. Amen.

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