Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Leaders Predict Where the Church is Going

Nicki Pfeifer

Five Keys for 2010

There are 5 strategic keys that will help propel
you into your future and the destiny God has for you this year. Ask Him
for specific insight and direction for you and your life, and allow Him
to manifest in these areas throughout 2010.

1. God is
sounding a wake-up call.

Nicki Pfeifer
God is sounding a wake-up call
to the body of Christ! There has been a lull and a spirit of slumber
that has spread over much of the body in the last couple of years. We
have become satisfied with “church as usual.” Unfortunately, many people
have settled into a place of comfort and complacency—but God is shaking
and waking this sleeping giant once again!

I hear the Lord say, “Some of you keep trying to snuggle in and get
comfortable. I will not allow you to get comfortable. I did not create
you for comfort; I created you to be a weapon of warfare.”

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What God is for 2010

Several themes and Scriptures for 2010 have been highlighted to me by
the Holy Spirit recently as I have waited on the Lord. I believe we are
entering into a crucial time, and I have some wonderful prophetic
encouragements to share as well as some urgent prophetic warnings
concerning the year ahead. As we meditate on God’s promises and the
following Scriptures, I believe 2010 will be a year of great
fruitfulness in our lives!

1. Seven key words for 2010 are: fruit, rain, righteousness,
harvest, overflow, restoration and provision (see Joel 2:22-26).

  • Fruit:
    In 2010 Jesus is really looking for fruit. God desires to make His
    people strong and fruitful.Gifts are not enough. It’s by the fruit of
    the Spirit that we will be known.

    There will be a strong focus on
    developing spiritual character, maturity and fruitfulness in 2010. You
    will discern true disciples by their fruit, not their gifts (see Joel 2:22; Matt. 7:13-27; Matt. 21:18-19; John 15:2-8,16).


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