Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. —John 7:38

Jesus spoke about the Holy Ghost which was to be given. In Acts 2 we find three manifestations of the Holy Ghost—wind, person, and fire. The first manifestation is a rushing mighty wind. Second, there are cloven tongues of fire. Think of the mighty wind and the cloven tongues of fire over everyone. Third, see the incoming and outflowing of the Holy Ghost.

Can we be filled with this river? How is it possible for us to flow as a river?

You will never get to know God better by testimony. Testimony should always come through the Word. You will not get to know God better by prayer. Prayer has to come out of the Word. The Word is the only thing that reveals God and is going to be helpful in the world. When the breath and the presence of God come, the Holy Spirit speaks expressively according to the mind of the Father and the Son.

When you are filled with the person of the Holy Ghost, then the breath, the power, the unction, the fire of the Spirit takes hold of the Word of Life, which is Christ. God wants to fill you with that divine power so that out of you will flow living waters.

May the fire, wind, and person of the
Holy Spirit fill me, that out of me will
flow living waters that others might
know Jesus through me. Amen.

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