Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But wait for the promise of the Father-.-.-.-­For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. —Acts 1:4–5

The disciples tarried at Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high. We know that the Holy Ghost came. It was right for them to tarry. It is wrong now to wait for the Holy Ghost to come. He has come!

Then why are we waiting? Why do we not all receive the Holy Ghost? Because our bodies are not ready for it. Our temples are not cleansed. When our temples are purified and our minds put in order, then the Holy Ghost can take full charge. The Holy Ghost is not a manifestation of carnality.

The Holy Ghost is most lovely. He is the great refiner. He is full of divine, not natural life. Don’t wait. I desire for you to lift your minds, elevate your thoughts, come out of the world into a place where you know that you have rest for your feet.

Desire the inrushing river of the Holy Ghost—a pure, holy, and divine river of living water to flow through you. Not later. Now!

Holy Spirit, purify my heart, my life.
Flow in me and through
me, now. Amen.

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