Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he-.-.-.-shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. —Romans 8:11

Many people are receiving a clear knowledge of an inward working power from the Spirit which is not only quickening their mortal bodies, but also pressing into that natural body an incorruptible power which is manifesting itself, getting ready for the rapture.

It is the inward life, the new man in the old man, the new nature in the old nature, the resurrection power in the dead form, the quickening of all, the divine order of God manifested in the human body that quickens us, giving us life. The nature of the living Christ gives us power over all death.

Do not be afraid to claim the quickening, life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. That is power over all sin, power over all disease.

The former law was of the natural man. Now the new law is of the life of the Spirit or the manifestation of the new creation, which is Christ in us, the manifested power of the Glory. Glory is a manifestation of a divine nature in the human body.

Holy Spirit, quicken my body with Thy
divine nature and glory. Amen.

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