Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. —1 Peter 1:2

There is a sanctifying of the human spirit. It does not matter what you say, if your human spirit does not get wholly sanctified, you will always be in danger. It is that position where the devil has a chance to work on you.

Therefore, we are taught to come into sanctification, where the rudiments, the un-cleanness, the inordinate affections and corruptions pass away because of incorruption abiding. In sanctification, all kinds of lusts have lost their power.

This is the plan. Only in the ideal pursuit of this does God so bless us in our purifying state that we lose our earthly position and ascend with Him in glory. The saints of God, as they go on into perfection and holiness, understanding the mind of the Spirit and the law of the Spirit of life, are brought into a very blessed place—the place of holiness, the place of entire sanctification, the place where God is enthroned in the heart.

The sanctified mind is so concentrated in the power of God that the saint thinks about the things that are pure and lives in holy ascendancy, where every day he experiences the power and liberty of God.

Sanctify me, Holy Spirit, that I may
be filled with Thee, not me. Amen.

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