Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against. —Acts 28:22

When Paul and the other apostles preached the gospel they faced great opposition. So do we. The gospel preached by the Holy Ghost with signs, stirs the devil and his hosts in these last days. They lay pits and traps to catch us as they did to our Savior at the time when they were going to throw Him over a hill to kill Him. But Jesus slipped away. The devil also hates me with a perfect hatred, and has tried many times and in many ways to kill and destroy me. I only escaped by the ever present, watchful, loving care of my Lord. He said, “Fear not, I am with you.” It means everything to know that God is with us.

I have been in many places where my life was not worth a straw, but I always stood firm. I have been in the greatest dangers, but bless and praise His holy name, He always came with the hosts of heaven, and in such a way that the fear of God fell on my enemies—whether one or a howling mob. Sometimes they could not move. Sometimes they fell like drunken men. Others ran. They were glad to escape with their lives and their liberty. In all these trials, God got the victory, for all knew that the Lord was with me, and with us, and fighting His own battles.

Lord, I trust You to protect me and guide
me through enemy territory to the
place You want me to be. Amen.

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