Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. —John 19:30

When I was in Cazadero seven or eight years ago, amongst the first people that came to me in those meetings was a man who was stone deaf. Every time we had a meeting, as I rose to speak this man would take his chair from the ordinary row and place it right in front of me. The devil used to say, “Now you’re done.”

I said, “No, I am not done. It is finished.” After the meeting had been going on for three weeks, one night as we were singing this man became tremendously disturbed. He looked in every direction. He became as one that had almost lost his mind.

Then he took a leap. He started on the run and went out amongst the people. He went out about sixty yards away and heard singing. The Lord said, “Thy ears are open.”

The man came back, and we were still singing. That stopped our singing. He told us that when his ears were opened, there was such a tremendous noise, he could not understand what it was. He thought something had happened to the world. He ran out of the meeting. As he got outside, he heard the singing.

Lord, by faith we claim Your completed,
miraculous work in our lives.
It is finished! Amen.

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