Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. —Hebrews 4:2

The Word quickens the preacher, the hearer and everybody. The Word giveth life, and God wants it to be so alive in you that you will be moved as it is preached. Oh, it is lovely to think that God can change you in a moment and can heal you in a moment. When God begins, who can hinder?

Sometimes a thing comes before me, and I realize that nothing but the Word of God can do it. I meet all classes of people—people who have no faith—and I find the Word of God quickens them, even those who have no knowledge of salvation. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ does cure everything.

My dear ones, it is impossible for God to fail you. If you hear the Word of God, it will stimulate you to know as sure as you live that God will bring you out of this condition.

Oh, Word of God, quicken me, stimulate
me, heal me, save me in Jesus’
mighty name. Amen.

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