Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

You Always Win, So Why Are You Losing?

No matter what the enemy throws at you, you can overcome? Here’s why.

I’m telling you prophetically that the Lord is calling forth a triumphant reserve. He will have a bride without spot or wrinkle. No matter what failures we have previously experienced, we will be a strong people who do exploits, using the resources the Lord provides for us.

We will leave our past defeats and walk in victory. We will be overcomers.

The key concept of overcoming is simply this: Find a way to win, do not be defeated and advance into the fullness of your God-given destiny. There are a people being raised up who will triumph. Many of these experienced great heartache in their past seasons of life.

This is the time to break “hope deferred”! Proverbs 13:12 states, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (NKJV). Don’t let loss overcome you. Loss can produce shaking, but it can also result in joy, change and resurrection power.

We have been given the power to bind the accuser. So bind him! 

Usually in the midst of the dark times in our lives we find ourselves filled with trauma and loss. Trauma is like the snapshot from a camera. A picture of the trauma is stored deep in our brains, but the Holy Spirit wants to move in such a way that we are sovereignly delivered. He wants to give us a new perspective on life and the world around us.

The enemy takes advantage of us during difficult times of loss to manipulate our emotions to create: a failure mentality; a confused perception of our lives and destiny; dullness, deadness, lost hope or apathy in our “spirit man”; blocked emotions; a bitter root that defiles the whole body.

When we do not deal with trauma effectively, we allow roots to grow that entangle our feet and keep us from moving forward on our new path of success. Trauma imprinted on our memory systems is also absorbed deep into the tissues of our brains (our processors) and affects our thoughts and our hearts. Trauma becomes the snapshot that determines what we see and how we define the world around us.

When not processed correctly, trauma will shape your world from the point of view of the incident that caused it. Trauma can produce lock-ins of fear, failure, emotional distress and anxiety, and it can even cause your organs (spleen, kidneys, pancreas) to overwork.

We may be going through a lot, but there is a way for us to overcome, to reverse the power of our dark hour, and to advance into the very best that still lies ahead.

An overcomer moves beyond defeats, traumas, woundings, mistakes and failures to gain new strength and venture into the next season with hope. In the midst of darkness, there is light. In the midst of light, there is sound. In the midst of sound, we find God’s voice.

The power of His voice chops down the forest of confusion around us. The power of His voice creates a path in our wilderness. The power of His voice breaks the waters open and raises our heads above the waves of doubt, grief and despair towering around us. The power of His voice overcomes any strategy the enemy has developed to hold us captive in his chains of defeat.

My favorite saying in life is, “But God!” Your current circumstances can develop a mentality of victory within you. No matter what situation you find intruding in your life, you can shout: “But God! He is the light in my darkness!” Dark hours lie ahead, but an overcomer’s anointing will help you break through and give you victory.

Chuck D. Pierce is the founder and president of Glory of Zion International Ministries based in Denton, Texas, and the president of Global Spheres Inc. He is also the author of numerous books, including Redeeming the Time (Charisma House), from which this article is adapted.

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