Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy. —Jeremiah 31:13

I was very slow to accept dancing in the Spirit for fear it was in the flesh, but I soon saw it was the “cloud of glory” over the people that brought forth the dancing, and playing of invisible instruments. The sounds of sweet, heavenly music could often be heard. Several times I asked that those of the congregation who heard this music from the platform (where they knew there were no instruments to be seen), to be honest and raise their hands. The stillness of death went over the people when they heard the sounds of music, accompanied with the heavenly choir.

Often a message in tongues was given in one or more languages, and the interpretation. As I saw the effect that the Holy Ghost had on the people, convincing them that they were in the presence of God, I concluded that this is surely the Lord’s strange work and His strange acts. I saw as many as nine of the most noted ministers dancing at one time on the platform; they danced single, with their eyes closed; often some fell, slain by the mighty power of God. These things convinced me. One lady who was on crutches for five years, got healed in her seat and afterward danced around the platform, singing heavenly music.

The virgins, the young men, and the old men, all join in the dance together. Praise the Lord. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready” (Rev. l9:7).

Let Your cloud of glory descend upon me,
causing my feet to dance in Your presence
and my ears to hear the choirs
of heaven. Amen.

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