Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. —Philippians 2:2

Are you full of joy, having not a doubt about Jesus being your Lord and Savior? You want power to do the work of God. You want to be clothed with power. God says He will baptize with fire, bestowing wisdom, knowledge, and gifts. He will make you understand the deep things of God, and as you teach them and live them, God will be with you.

You must believe you are going to get this blessing. The people were “with one accord.” God help us to get to that place. God wants us of one accord with our hearts running together like drops of water.

A little company of one mind like the early church could shake a city in a day. We are not in one accord when one is pulling one way, and one another—when we hear “maybe this,” and “maybe that.” Do you suppose God will bless you in that?

You cannot understand the first principles. Once you have the newborn joy in your heart, when you see it in someone else, you know it is of God. Be of one mind; no matter how much you have to praise God for, we always want more.

Father, give our church
unity in joy. Amen.

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