Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. —John 6:63

One thing that the saints need to get to know is not how to quote Scripture but how the Scripture should be pressed out by the Spirit that the Spirit should impart life as the Word is given. Jesus says, “My word is the spirit of life.”

There is a lovely word along this line in the eleventh chapter of 1 Corinthians: “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world” (vv. 31-32).

Word of God, press in on my heart that the Spirit
might press it out of me in Jesus’ name. May I
not simply quote Scripture to those I meet
everyday, but may I rather impart the life
of Christ to those who
need Him. Amen.

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