Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

So You Want to Marry My Daughter?

So you want to marry my daughter? And you claim to be the man of her dreams?

Well, then, here are the rules:

1. That you share her love and passion for God. There must be a core values match in this area for a marriage partnership to flourish. Couples can be unequally yoked even with other believers who do not share a parallel passion for pursuing God’s heart and ways.

2. That you be absolutely, totally and utterly abandoned in your love and passion for her. Because she deserves it.

3. That you be able to support and even steer her toward the fulfillment of her divine destiny. To accomplish this you will need to appreciate her unique (albeit emerging) calling and spiritual gift mix. This reflects the foundational purpose for our existence.

4. That when you make a mistake, it’s by giving, not by withholding. The old adage, “You can’t out-give God” is true. And, remember, we don’t give to get–we give to get to give again.

5. That you would actively pursue mutually accountable relationships with other men. Most of the growth I have enjoyed has come through proactively pursuing mentoring and accountability. We all need people in our lives whom we have invited to ask us soul-searching questions–usually it’s about motives, money and morality.

If you want to walk down the aisle with my daughter, these qualities must be evident in your life. Then, the union will be both healthy and holy.

Gregg Caruso is the Founder of PRISM Leadership Group. Contact him at

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