Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. —Hebrews 11:7

Many things recorded in the Old Testament are types of the work of the Spirit in the New Testament. Many of the movements of God through His children seemed foolish, and the messages God gave His prophets to carry, humanly speaking, seemed very foolish.

He gave Noah a plan of the ark—with only one window and one door. He built it according to God’s plan, not heeding the jeers of the people who thought he was losing his mind. He was a gazing stock for everybody, but he went on with the building, and proved the wisdom of God in the end.

He built the ark, and God provided the water. There was more water than they wanted, too much water for them. What happened? God took those who believed Him into the ark and shut the door. The water rose, and the ark went above the treetops—as we are going some day. God is building the ark now; and the works of the Holy Ghost are foolishness to the people who are fighting them.

The ark sailed away, and the world went down, all except Noah and his family. Not many are going into the ark God is building. People are crying, “Foolishness.”

Jesus, You are my ark of salvation. The foolishness of Your
cross is the wisdom of salvation for my life. Amen.

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