Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. —Romans 15:13

The Lamb of God left the realms of glory, and came down here to be footsore, dusty, weary, and scorned. He said, “I am come to do Thy will, Oh God.” If He had not borne all these things and had not gone all the way to the cross, the Holy Ghost never could have come. If He had been left in the tomb, the Holy Ghost never could have come. As soon as He arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven, the Holy Ghost could come.

God gave His Son the highest place before all the hosts of Heaven; then He sent the Holy Ghost to dwell in these bodies, His temple. The Holy Ghost is a great power. He is compared to wind, water, and fire.

At Pentecost He came like a cyclone and a mighty rushing wind. He is to come like rivers of living water. He comes as fire. Tongues of fire sat upon each of the hundred and twenty people at Pentecost. Wind, water, and fire—the most destructive elements we have, yet the most useful.

God uses them to denote the mighty power of the Holy Ghost; and He was to be given after Jesus was glorified. We see many demonstrations of His mighty power, and we can but “speak the things we have seen and heard,” of His glory and majesty. When we know these things, we are witnesses to His power, majesty, and glory. Glory to God!

Holy Spirit, come over me like wind,
water, and fire. Baptize me
in Your power. Amen.

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