Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. —1 Corinthians 2:5

There are many powers in the world, that are not of God, but are counterfeit. But where there is a counterfeit power there is always a genuine power. No one ever tries to counterfeit anything that is not genuine—a sure evidence that it is genuine.

The devil shows his power in a good many ways to deceive people. He tries to substitute some other power for the power of God. It was so in the time of Moses and the time of the prophets. God’s power was in the world—especially so at certain times. Then magicians would come up with their powers and show something that seemed similar. One power was God and the other power was the devil.

Moses went to Egypt to lead the people out. He threw down his rod before Pharaoh and it became a living serpent. The magicians said they had the same power, so they threw some rods down, and their rod’s became serpents. Moses did not get scared and run away. He knew the power of God and he wouldn’t have run if all the serpents in Egypt had come before him.

He stood his ground, and I admire him for it. I do not like a coward. What was the result? Moses’ serpent swallowed the others up, head and tail! There was nothing left of them. Those who are trying to overthrow the power of God and substitute something else will have a day of judgment. The time is coming when the Almighty power of God will swallow them up, the day of His wrath.

Lord, I pray that my faith does not rely on
the wisdom of men but upon
Your power. Amen.

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