Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God. —Jude 1:20

I saw one day a great big magnet let down amongst iron, and it picked up loads of iron and carried them away. That is a natural order, but ours is a spiritual order of a holy magnet. That which is in thee is holy. That which is in thee is pure. When the Lord of righteousness shall appear, who is our life, then that which is holy, which is His nature, which is His life, shall go, and we shall be forever with the Lord.

You have not gone yet—but you are sure to go. Seeing we are here, comforting one another, building up one another in the most holy faith, we would say, “No, Lord, let it please thee that we remain. But please, Father, let us be more holy. Let us be more pure. Please, Father, let this life of Thy Son eat up all mortality till there is nothing left but that which is to be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”

Ask God that every moment shall be a moment of purifying, a moment of raptureseeking, a moment in your body of a new order of the Spirit.

Let God take you into the fullness of redemption in a wonderful way. Covet to be more holy. Covet to be more separate. Covet God. Covet holy faith.

Please, Father, build in me a holy faith that I
might be totally set apart unto Thee. Amen.

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