Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. —Acts 2:4

The Holy Ghost is a wonderful person, not a myth or shadow. Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came in to stay, is the greatest thing that ever happened in God’s work. He came and took possession of one hundred twenty men and women; He sat upon their heads in cloven tongues of fire. He took possession of their bodies; then of their vocal organs; and they spoke, everyone, as He gave them utterance.

They spoke in languages they had never learned, and did not know what they were saying. The Holy Ghost took possession of their tongues, and spoke through them; He spoke through the clay as you would speak through a telephone and told about Jesus. “He shall testify of Me.”

Jesus told the apostles that they should be witnesses. When the Holy Ghost came, He knew all about it, and through the apostles He told of the wonderful works of God. When this was noised abroad, multitudes gathered. It was the speaking in tongues that drew the people. When the people heard the apostles, they were confounded and said, “What meaneth this?”

I want you to notice this point—it was speaking in tongues that confounded them. The Holy Ghost spoke through these unlearned men who had never been to college to learn other languages. It was one of the most wonderful things God ever did. It is now, when God speaks through you.

Holy Spirit, take possession of my tongue.
Speak through me as You did those
early Christians. Amen.

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