Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Spiritual Assessment: Christian Leaders Speak

Since the magnitude 7 earthquake struck Port-au-Prince,
Haiti, on Jan. 12, Christians have tried to shine a spiritual light on
the tragic event. Below
Charisma has compiled
various responses from Christian leaders.

Disappointed By Pat Robertson’s Statement
By Myles Monroe
In the aftermath of what the Red Cross, United Nations and other agencies now consider the greatest tragedy in the history of our Western Hemisphere-the massive 7.0 earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti-the reaction by leaders and the common man were predictable.
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The Disaster in Haiti
By Kimberly Daniels
I got up early the morning after the earthquake in Haiti to pray. As my prayer partner and I began to cry out for worldwide relief and support, miraculous rescues, protection for missionaries/orphans and the immediate needs of the people, the Lord interrupted our flow. Clearly I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Do not get in the way of My vengeance!”
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Pat Robertson’s Statement About Haiti
By Pat Robertson
On Jan.13 during The 700 Club segment about the devastation, suffering and humanitarian effort that is needed in Haiti, Pat Robertson also spoke about Haiti’s history (see video on the next page).
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Haiti and Earthquake Theology
By Robert Jeffress
Concerned Americans have been shaken by sobering images from ubiquitous news footage of rubble and rescue in Haiti after a magnitude 7 earthquake rocked the tiny poor Caribbean nation earlier this month, prompting many to ask, “Where is God and why would He allow such extensive suffering?”
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