Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. —Acts 1:8

Earnest interest on the part of the workers was not by any means confined to the *Stone Church people or those most intimately connected with the work. It was not a Stone Church affair but catholic in its broadness.

All who came, even from a distance, threw themselves into the work of praying with the sick with much earnestness, showing in a marked way the growing spirit of unity. There was no building up of “My work,” which naturally characterizes individual effort, but on every hand it was evidenced that all were unselfishly working in the interest of Christ’s body. Missions and churches were forgotten in the united effort to get souls to God.

God honored the faith of all, and people who had their eyes on Him received healing regardless of who prayed for them. One sick woman who came in mistook one of the sisters for Sister Etter, and asked for her prayers. The sick woman was immediately healed. We hope this will be an encouragement to some sufferers to whom Mrs. Etter cannot minister.

Healing flowed all through the church at different hours; not only in the meetings but during the day. Here and there you would see groups of people praying for the sick, and shouts of glory from the suffering ones told that the lightning from heaven had touched their bodies.

The revival, which lasted for six months and was at its flood through July, was not due to any distinctions in theology or to the setting forth of any particular doctrine or creed, but because we have been getting back to the simplicity of the gospel, and with much prayer.

Lord, manifest Your power by healing and
saving all those who seek You. Amen.

*Stone Church is a local church in the Chicago area.

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