Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. —2 Timothy 3:15

Those who are opposing the demonstration of the Spirit today say we do not need these things, that we are progressing with the age, that we want an intellectual religion, and that we must explain and present the Word from a human standpoint in a scientific way.

In these last days the masses of so-called religious teachers belong to the class Paul described, who have a form of godliness but deny the power (2 Tim. 3:5). From such, we must turn away. They will not endure sound doctrine and will turn the people away from the truth.

These false teachers are in a worse condition than the Jews were. They are sinning against much greater light. They are willingly blind and are teaching their followers to hide behind a refuge of lies, trusting the doctrines and traditions of men. “In vain they do worship me,” saith the Lord (Matt. 15:9).

The judgments of God are coming upon the false church in the most awful way.

Lord, help me to worship You in Spirit and in truth,
avoiding forms of godliness and
the traditions of men. Amen.

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