Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. —Matthew 9:38

My dear sister in Christ, as you hear these words may the Spirit of God come upon you and make you willing to do the work the Lord has assigned to you. It is high time for women to let their lights shine; to bring out their talents that have been hidden away rusting, and use them for the glory of God. Let women do with their might what their hands find to do, trusting God for strength.

Oh, the fields are white, for the harvest is great and ripe, and it is ready for the gospel sickle; oh, where are the laborers to gather the golden grain into the Master’s garner? The world is dying, the grave is filling, hell is boasting, and the end rapidly approaches.

God left the glorious work of saving souls in the hands of the church. What is the church composed of? Men, women, and children. We are putting up a building of God. Everyone has a part in this building. If we cannot be a pillar or a cornerstone, let us be a spike or a nail or a brick. Let us not despise the day of small things. Whatever we do with the right motive for Jesus is precious in His sight. God’s church is a workshop; no idlers are allowed there. There should be bills posted, “To work, to work. Everyone at his post.” When Satan tempts us, as he tempted Nehemiah, we should say, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. I am commissioned by the King of Heaven to work for Him” (Neh. 6:3 author’s paraphrase).

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come….And who-soever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17).

Lord, inspire women to serve You in
the work of Your harvest. Amen.

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