Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Proverbs 3:1-6 The story is told of a man who bought a ticket for a cruise to the Caribbean. He climbed on board and looked forward to the four-day cruise. He had carefully packed for the trip and had included all the food he would need for each meal during the cruise.

After the second night of the cruise it was brought to the captain’s attention that one of the passengers had not shown up for even one meal during the trip. The captain looked into the situation and went to visit the cabin of this passenger. He knocked on the door, and a young man opened the door. The captain asked, “Sir, why have you not shown up for any of the meals on this ship?”

The man looked surprised and replied, “Captain, I simply cannot afford to pay for the meals, so I brought my own food.”

The captain responded, “Sir, your meals are included in the price of the ticket.”

Embarrassed, the passenger said, “Sir, no one explained this to me.” The conversation ended with the captain’s invitation to sit with him at his table that evening.

We have God’s invitation daily to dine at the table He has set before us. At this table is food that will add long life, length of days and peace. The food God offers us is His Word. Have you been missing some meals lately because you were ignorant of the fact that God’s table is laden with food that lasts eternally? None of us can afford to miss a meal that gives us all we need for our daily sustenance.

Lord, I want to dine with You today. The dishes You have prepared for me today far surpass anything I could cook up myself. Take over the kitchen of my heart, and I will wait expectantly for the delights You have prepared for me to eat today.

Read: Genesis 23:1-24:51; Matthew 8:1-7; Psalm 9:13-20; Proverbs 3:1-6

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