Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would-.-.-.-fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power. —2 Thessalonians 1:11
There are two kinds of faith that God wants us to see. There is a natural faith and there is a saving faith. All people are born with the natural faith. Natural faith has limitations. Saving faith is a supernatural gift of God.
There is the gift of faith. It is the faith of Jesus given to us as we press in and on with God. I want to put before you this difference between our faith and the faith of Jesus.
Most people have come to where they have said, “Lord, I can go no further. I have gone so far and I can go no further. I have used all the faith I have, and I just have to stop now and wait.”
As I saw in God’s presence the limitation of my natural faith, there came another faith, a supernatural faith that could not be denied, a faith that took the promise of God, a faith that believed God’s Word.
Holy Spirit, give me supernatural faith as I press in
and on with God. As I confront the circumstances
of my life daily, help me to exercise my
faith with Your power. Amen.