Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God. —Numbers 15:41

God divided light from darkness, water from dry land, and the heavens from the earth. He called Abraham to separate himself from his former life. In all His determined dealings with Israel, He identified Himself as the Lord who had brought them out of bondage and set them apart (1 Kings 8:53).

When we enter a covenant relationship with God, we must also separate ourselves from our past and from our ungodly associations.

Another separation will take place in heaven, when those who have entered His covenant will be eternally divided from those who have chosen to live apart from it (Matthew 25:32).

The call to separate yourself unto God is not a punishment but a privilege.

Lord Jesus, show me by Your Holy Spirit the things I
need to come away from. Since I have entered a
covenant relationship with You, I leave the
darkness behind and come joyfully
into Your marvelous light!

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