Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country-.-.-.-unto a land that I will shew thee. —Genesis 12:1

When God calls you into His covenant, He calls you to separate yourself from everything that hinders you from fulfilling His purpose for your life. God instructed Abraham, who came from a long line of idol-worshippers, to leave his home and go into an unknown land. God’s call to Abraham required both obedience and personal commitment to Him in order to receive all that He promised.

To receive all God promised, Abraham had to leave all his past security. He had to come out of relying on what he could see and begin trusting what he could not see. “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Because of Abraham’s faithful obedience, He became the father of the entire Jewish nation, which included the Savior of all mankind. All these blessings ensued from that moment when God said, “Come out,” and Abraham replied, “Yes.”

When God calls you into His covenant, He calls you to separate yourself from everything that hinders you from fulfilling His purpose for your life. Lay aside your idols of power, prestige, and position; say “Yes” to God and walk under the blessing of God’s covenant with mankind!

Lord, I say “Yes” to You. When You call me out of
the world, I say, “Yes.” When You ask me to
surrender all, I say, “Yes.” Whatever You
command, I say, “Yes!” Amen.

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