Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. —Luke 1:30

The greatest message of the advent of Christ into this planet are the words “fear not.” Why? Because you have found favor with God.

The God of all creation came to earth with the specific purpose of revealing Himself to you. If you are born again of God, you are on your way to heaven; you have been made righteous in God’s eyes; and favor is part of your covenant right.

The literal translation of the word “favor” is from a Hebrew word meaning “cause for rejoicing, exultation, exuberant joy, and gladness of heart.”

The precious blood of Jesus paid the price for your sin and made God’s heart glad. He sits on His throne and rejoices, because He knows you will be in eternity with Him. Fear not; you have found favor with God.

Jesus, allow me to walk in Your favor,
being fearless and bold for You.
I long only for Your favor
and grace. Amen.

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