Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

People (not just any people, but people who love the Lord and obey His commandments) are God’s greatest weapon against the enemy. Such people are forming a mighty army, and they are like arrows sent to wound the enemy.

All of our own children have been fashioned into sharp arrows that will penetrate the enemy’s camp. Our middle child will penetrate the enemy’s camp in China, and our youngest son is penetrating the enemy’s camp in Hungary. Our oldest son is penetrating the enemy’s camp in the corporate world.

When my husband retired, we felt God would send us full time to either China or Russia to penetrate the enemy’s camp there with the gospel. Instead, God sent China to us in the form of a precious Chinese daughter who lived with us for five years and a handsome Russian son who lived with us seven years. These additions to our family made a quiver of children for us. I heard a quiver is five or more.

What a joy to know these five arrows are doing effective warfare against the enemy. They are not only talking to the enemy at the gate; they are invading his camp and taking back what he has stolen.

Maybe you are not married, so you may think you have no sharp arrows to send against the enemy. The truth is you can have many thousands of sharp arrows. Every time you share the gospel with another person, God is fashioning a sharp arrow that can create great destruction in the enemy’s camp. Is your quiver full?

READ: Hosea 10:1-14:9; Jude 1:1-25; Psalm 127:1-5; Proverbs 29:15-17

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