Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. —Luke 21:36

We are living in perilous times, surrounded by filth and violence, when men search for answers and can find none. Through this whirlwind of depravity comes the still, small voice of God saying, “Pray always,” because prayer is effective! (James 5:16).

Prayer opens the door for God to do His work in a world desperately in need of His intervention. The righteous have a job to do, and it begins with prayer. The world around us is crying out for our intercession. The unsaved need our prayers to bind the hindering spirits that keep them from receiving salvation. The sick need our prayers for healing. The oppressed need our prayers for deliverance. Our families, neighborhoods, and workplaces need our prayers to rebuke the forces of darkness that threaten to sweep over them.

Too often we hear, “There’s nothing left to do but pray”—but there has never been anything else to do but pray!

Holy Spirit, when I have nothing to pray or don’t
know how to pray, then pray through me
teaching me how to intercede for others.
Lord, always keep me praying
in the Spirit. Amen.

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