Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Amighty oak tree began as a small acorn. A baby started as a small embryo. A river began as a few small drops of water that trickled into a ravine. You may be standing in a place where your life, your finances or your healing appear to be small. Yet, the seed of increase is within your situation.

I read the story of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s determination to work his body so that his mind would function well. His father told him, “You have the mind, but you have not the body, and without the help of the body the mind cannot go as far as it should. You must make the body.” Roosevelt began exercising everyday. He worked out with weights, hiked, ice-skated, hunted, rowed, boxed and rode horseback. He worked his mind through reading about people who were fearless and those he admired.

Roosevelt knew that he possessed a sickly and puny body. He also knew that he could start where he was with something small. He could turn his status in life into something big and powerful if he would continue to press forward all the time. Roosevelt could not merely dream of something big for his life. He had to act on what he possessed.

Years later, after many major accomplishments in his life, Roosevelt died. At the time of his death they discovered a book under his pillow. He was faithful to continue in his pursuit as long as there was breath in his body. You can do the same thing. Take another look at the small thing in your life, your ministry or your business. What can you begin to do today? What can you do everyday that can result in increase? You were destined for increase. Begin a new habit today by acting rather than merely dreaming. Watch your small thing become big.

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