Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

It is said that this is a man’s world. It is not a man’s
world. Men may be occupying many seats of authority, but God is in

If God blesses you, do not fear. A blessed woman can
survive—even in a man’s world. The challenge is to receive what is
yours without becoming bitter about the times it was withheld from you.

In Numbers 27 a story is told concerning the daughters of
Zelophehad who went to Moses to challenge the fairness of the “good ol’
boys” policy that would deny them the right to inherit their father’s
wealth. Their actions suggested, “We are women, but we are blessed

They challenged the system at a time when women were
considered second-class citizens. In spite of public opinion, they
chose to speak up for their rights, and they got what they fought to
attain (see vv. 5-8).

The daughters of Zelophehad were not disrespectful or rude. They went through proper channels, but bless God, they went through.

God is a good Father. It is His will to bless you. Don’t
worry about who is against you; just keep thinking about who is for you.

The story of the daughters of Zelophehad outlines the
first case of gender discrimination mentioned in the Scriptures. And
the court of heaven ruled in favor of these women who knew how to go
after what their father had in his estate.

Perhaps there are some things your Father has for you. Do not be intimidated.  In
spite of what you don’t have, look at what you do have and keep on
walking. By God’s grace and power you can receive your inheritance.

As a father, I need to know that I have prepared for my
children’s today and their tomorrow. I would be angry to think that
although I had left an inheritance for my daughters, they were living
in poverty.

God is a better father than I am. Why don’t you as a woman of God go after what the Father has willed to you?

If you have been walking around with a drab spirit and a broken heart, I am talking to you.

Don’t spend another day wasted in regret, sleeping away your mercy and losing your chance to achieve. Get up and get busy.

You may have to work it out. You may have to push and
shove. But life is worth the struggle. Your Father has blessed you with
good things!

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