Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Psalm 119:132-155 David says several times in this psalm that his hope is in God’s Word. Faith is the evidence of things not seen, the substance of things hoped for as we learned earlier in our study of Hebrews. The substance that gives us hope is the Word of God.

I’ve always pictured in my mind a highway to heaven. That highway is called faith. Prayer is the vehicle I must place myself in to reach the destination of God’s throne room. This highway is paved with hope. Hope is the substance of the highway of faith.

David tells us to hope in God’s Word. We can never hope in God’s Word if we do not read God’s Word. Reading the Word of God, however, will not instill faith and hope in us. We must hear God’s Word. Paul tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. As we read God’s Word, we must let the Holy Spirit be our narrator. He wants to teach us and instruct us through the Word of God, but this will not happen unless we are carefully listening to His voice. The Holy Spirit speaks in a still, quiet, voice so we also must be still and quiet to receive His gentle instructions, corrections, reproofs and teachings as we read through the Bible.

We are almost finished another year of reading the Bible through. If you are like me, you may have missed a few days. At the end of each year I pray the Lord will teach me by His Holy Spirit anything I may have missed in my journey through the Bible that year. We are in the classroom of life, and the goal of our teacher, the Holy Spirit, is to instill faith and hope in us every day. Will you continue to attend class next year faithfully? There are always new lessons to learn. The Holy Spirit is waiting daily to teach you. Listen to David’s words: “Your testimonies, which You have commanded, are righteous and very faithful” (v. 138). “Your word is very pure: therefore Your servant loves it” (v. 140).

As you are faithful to read God’s Word daily, you will love it more and more and love Him more and more.

Lord, I want to keep reading the Bible through every year. Each time I do I learn more about You, and I grow to love You more. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for being my faithful teacher who makes God’s Word exciting and life changing.

READ: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:132-155; Proverbs 28:21-22

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