Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. —Luke 21:11

Worldwide famine in these days when there should be none tells us that Jesus is coming. The major wheat producers grow enough food to feed every starving person in the world, yet famine abounds.

There have been more earthquakes worldwide in the last fifteen years than in the other eight decades of this century. New and powerful strains of bacteria emerge to mock the efforts of doctors to fight them.

Jesus warned us that in these times men’s hearts would fail them for fear (Luke 21:26), but He was not talking about you. The people who fear the turbulent events of these times are those who do not understand what is happening—but you do! Every newscast that tells us of these events is a reminder to us of our blessed hope—Jesus will come soon to take His church to heaven.

Are you ready for His return? Is your family ready? Do you have a neighbor, friend, or work associate that you need to tell today about Jesus? How tragic it would be if you looked over the abyss of hell at the final judgment and recognized a face of someone you knew on the other side—spending hell in eternity. Don’t let that happen. Tell someone you know today about Jesus!

Lord Jesus, give me the courage and the
words to witness to Your saving
power this day. Amen.

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