Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. —1 Corinthians 12:11, NKJV

The word used in the New Testament for spiritual gifts is charisma or, literally, “gifts of grace.” In other words, these gifts are given freely and are not earned. It was Simon the sorcerer who misunderstood the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, thinking they could be purchased (Acts 8:18-24). What a terrible thing, we think. No doubt Simon had a wrong equation, and Peter severely rebuked him because of the wickedness in his heart that would allow him even to consider buying the power of God. But there’s not much difference between earning gifts and buying them. Money is only a function of effort and labor. Contrary to some commonly held equations, the gifts and power of God are distributed at the will of the Holy Spirit. They are not given as a token or a badge of God’s approval of a person’s level of spiritual maturity. Neither are they earned by our consecration. They are grace gifts.


Father, teach me that spiritual gifts are gifts freely given because of Your great grace. I cannot earn these gifts, and nothing I can offer to You will purchase them. You bestow these gifts freely as the gift of grace.

Spiritual gifts are given freely and are not earned.

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