Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Cindy deVille

Cindy deVille
Many of you know these are critical times for the church corporately and for each of us individually. We are entering into times such as we have never seen before.

It seems as if conditions around us are growing ever darker, and some are wondering, Where is God in all this? He has spoken much, yet now it seems there is a moment of silence.

We believe this is like the calm before the storm. It’s like the strategies of war. While things are getting darker in the world, God is working in the secret places, behind closed doors, doing a deep work in His church, preparing her for a great work in the earth.

You can be certain that before General “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf released His armies to do battle in the Gulf War of the early 1990s, there was a time in secret, behind closed doors, when strategies were being developed and troops were being evaluated and separated. The troops were tested and tried to see who was ready for the fight. This was a time of preparation, not only for the soldiers but also for the weapons of war, which had to be made ready to roar. We believe this is where the church is at this time.

Today we’d like to share the following word with you. We pray you will be encouraged and challenged to be one of God’s “fully devoted ones.”

For the Lord would say unto you:
“I am preparing to move in such a way, that there will be those who will say,
‘I cannot believe this is happening in our day.’

“Know this, My church and My bride,
All that I have spoken to you throughout time … shall all come in line.
For I am the God of all truth, and I cannot lie to you.

“This is a time to trust Me, to know Me, to hear and draw near to Me.
A time to obey Me. To live and walk in My Spirit and in My ways.
I am working deep inside My church as I have said—I am preparing her.

“Yes, there has been a great falling away, but there is a remnant, a remnant,
And they are willing to pay the price, they are willing to make great sacrifice
To see My will and My glory come.

They are My “fully devoted ones,” and with Me they will run!
They will rise up and run like men of war,
Like nothing we have seen before.
These are the ones who have laid down their lives,
These are the ones who will receive the crown and the prize.

“So, My church, open up, open up your spiritual eyes and see.
Open up your ears and hear. All that I have said will be!

“Just watch Me, watch Me, watch Me.
As I fill My church with My glory.
Then you will see her rise up as one,
Then you will see My kingdom come!

“Those who are not fully submitted and surrendered to Me,
Those who will not bow their knee,
They will find great confusion in their lives,
For these are very intense times.

“This is a time when you must draw the line.
It’s all or nothing; a partial surrender will not work,
For I cannot have a half-hearted church!

“I am preparing to do a great work in the earth,
And My church must be purified and fully surrendered to Me,
Hanging on to nothing, nothing, nothing of this earth.
Not fame or fortune, position or title,
Nothing but Me.
Then You will see My glory!”

About the author: Cindy deVille is the co-founder, with her husband, Darrel, of Shekinah Today Ministries ( She is a prophetic minister and intercessor who “has a strong desire to see the church return to her first love.” The deVilles publish an e-newsletter titled Today’s Prophetic Perspective, in which they share with the body of Christ what they believe God is showing and saying to them.


Prophetic Insight is a weekly bulletin offering timely and relevant messages for the body of Christ from recognized prophetic voices. It is prepared by Maureen Eha, features editor for Charisma magazine. You can follow her on Twitter at MaureenEha. And please spread the good news by sending this e-newsletter to your friends and encouraging them to subscribe.

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