Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Question: Doug, what can I do to kick this hunger for pornography? I’m so ashamed and frustrated. Seems like my life would be much less complicated if I didn’t have a sex drive.

Answer: You asked the right guy. I have been clean from pornography and self-sex behavior for more than 18 years. I remember feeling trapped, hopeless and overwhelmed. You too can get free your entire life, but you are going to need to make behavioral changes. Here’s how to kick porn:

  • Get totally honest. Most men stay trapped because of pride, not because it’s so difficult to change. Find a man you can be accountable with about your behavior. Report honestly about pornography, masturbation and lusting after others. If there is a Christian support group in your area, attend regularly. You will not get better by yourself; you have already tried and failed using that method.
  • Get a porn blocker. I like the one offered on our Web site and at It not only blocks pornography, but there also is an accountability feature, which e-mails all the Web sites you visited to your accountability partner.
  • To battle lust, place a rubber band on your wrist, and snap it any time you objectify a woman. Your brain will clean up in about a month.
  • Set consequences for yourself if you act inappropriately.
  • Of course, read your Bible, pray and be in fellowship with a local church.
  • If you need counseling, definitely do that for yourself, your marriage and family.

Remember, because of the way God designed us, we will be sexual until death. Heal now so you can be really sexually successful for the rest of your days.

Doug Weiss, Ph.D.,is a nationally known author and therapist and the founder of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. This article was orginally in New Man eMagazine.

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