Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Passing the Point of No Return

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever.” —Genesis 6:3

When we are strongly tempted, we immediately start rationalizing to justify any decision we make. We all do this. Perhaps you’ve said, “I’ve been depressed, and this has helped me through my depression.”

For some, immediate gratification is more important than the salvation of their souls. Jesus asked a question. It’s one of those questions you can’t answer: “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36, emphasis added). We are talking about where we spend eternity. Am I to believe that some, in order to satisfy a habit, are ready to give in to temptation and lose their souls? Some have been brought up in a Christian home and have turned their backs on the gospel. Some have heard the gospel preached and kept rationalizing, always thinking there would be another opportunity. But the Bible says that there will come a day when they will not hear the gospel that once stirred them.

If the Holy Spirit is dealing with you, while there’s a little tug in your heart, respond to Him!

You see, this is the way the devil works. Jacob had the stew ready. He didn’t have to say to Esau, “Now that you’ve sworn the birthright is mine, I’ll go and prepare it for you.” It was ready. The devil will already have someone there to drink with you, to have sex with, or to give you easy money.

Esau wanted to do something to change everything, but he had passed the point of no return. The Bible tells us that he couldn’t reverse it, though he tried with tears (Gen. 27:38).

Now is the time to weep. Weep for your sins. Be sorry, and thank God that He is coming to you again. Look to His Son and trust Him. If you hear His voice, are you willing to do that today? Jesus says, “Come to me” (Matt. 11:28).

Excerpted from All’s Well That Ends Well (Authentic Media, 2005).

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